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Platina Partners
5th Floor
20 Old Bailey
London EC4M 7AN


Platina Partners
Platina Equity Solutions

32 Rue la Boétie
75008 Paris


Platina Partners
Platina Investment Fund SCSp

28, boulevard Joseph II
L 1840 Luxembourg

Valery Grego

Platina’s agility and availability in structuring the platform and supporting it in its acquisitions endeavour have been key to getting Perseus where it is today.

Valery Grego
CEO of Perseus

Amin Khiari

Through proactive support, a culture for management best practices and efficient governance, Platina has enabled me to lead an ambitious transformation of the Group.

Amin Khiari
CEO of Groupe EDH

Christophe Navarro

With Platina as sponsor, the Univet group will have the means to become a leading national player in the veterinary space. Its in-depth knowledge of the sector, its flexibility in terms of investment horizon as well as its reinvestment capacity makes it a particularly good fit to our project.

Christophe Navarro